Dermal Fillers and Lip Fillers

See immediate results with dermal fillers that lessen the appearance of facial lines, restore volume, hydrate the skin and help you gain back your confidence.

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Dermal fillers provide a non-surgical technique for restoring youth. They are injected under the skin to treat deeper lines in the face and replace age-related volume loss. The fillers are gel-like substances made of hyaluronic acid, a natural product found within your body. Our dermal fillers also contain a local anaesthetic, making the treatment as pain-free as possible.

Dermal fillers are the preferred option for:

  • Lip augmentation
  • Cheeks, chin and jaw contouring
  • Plumping out deep creases such as nasolabial folds and marionette lines
  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines
  • Tear trough correction
  • Buccal hollowing
  • Improving overall skin quality

Dermal fillers last anywhere from 9 to 24 months, depending on the type of filler, area of use and the client’s medical history and lifestyle.

Dermal Fillers Aftercare

Dermal fillers show immediate results, with about 80% of the improvements already visible as you walk out of the clinic. It is normal to feel tender and experience some swelling immediately post-treatment, and these should subside in 48 to 72 hours. If you have an upcoming event of any sort to attend, we recommend starting the treatment at least 2 weeks before the date to allow for the swelling and potential bruising to settle.

To get the best possible results out of your dermal fillers, take note of the following aftercare instructions:

  • Avoid touching the area to reduce infection risk.
  • Massaging the area may be required post-treatment. Your doctor will discuss this specifically with you as needed.
  • Avoid exercise, hot showers and/or saunas for 48 hours.
  • Dental treatments should be avoided for 2 weeks post-treatment.
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours post-treatment.
  • Apply a cool compress to ease the swelling.
  • Paracetamol can be administered to help with pain but avoid Ibuprofen as it can increase bruising.


How many ml of filler wi​​ll I need?
Unfortunately, assessing how much filler will be required without seeing the potential patient in person is very difficult. We consider treatment via dermal fillers as more of a journey — we tend to take it step by step over a few weeks to months, ensuring all your concerns are addressed. The best course of action is to book a complimentary consultation so our team can create a tailored treatment plan for you.

Does it hurt?
Our dermal fillers contain a local anaesthetic that continues to numb the site as it gets injected, making the procedure a generally comfortable experience. Numbing cream can be applied prior to treatment, but overall, patients feel only the most minimal discomfort throughout the entire procedure.

Are dermal fillers safe?
Dermal fillers are made up of a natural sugar found within your body, so the likelihood of getting allergies is minimal. While dermal fillers (like any treatment) come with a level of risk, our team has the proper training and experience to safely inject these and effectively manage potential adverse reactions.

How soon can I get more dermal filler?
At Smirk Injectables, we will not inject the same area within 4 weeks of your last treatment.

Is it permanent?
No. Dermal filler products are naturally metabolised by your body. In the event that we have to remove the filler, we use a specific enzyme that can be injected into the area to dissolve it.

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