Bio-Remodelling Injections

Improve your skin quality and collagen production with our bio-remodelling injections. This breakthrough treatment delivers advanced bio-remodelling technology to revitalize both your face and neck.

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Bio-remodelling injections are bio-stimulating products that are different from the more traditional dermal fillers and “skin boosters” — they deliver intense hydration and encourage the prolonged stimulation of the dermal cells, which boosts the production of elastin and collagen to improve skin laxity.

Through a specific injection pattern, the product will slowly spread underneath the skin into an almost sheet-like appearance across the epidermis. Over the next 6-12 weeks, the skin will begin to remodel, resulting in improved skin texture, tone and radiance.

It is important to note that this treatment is completed over a minimum of two sessions at 4-week intervals, with results lasting 9-12 months. It is suitable for people of all ages.

Bio-Remodelling Injectable Aftercare

  • Avoid touching the area as much as possible to avoid infection risk.
  • Exercise, hot showers and/or saunas should be avoided for 48 hours.
  • Any skin treatments including dermal filler and anti-wrinkle should be avoided for 2 weeks post-treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours post-treatment.
  • Apply a cool compress to help with discomfort if applicable.
  • Paracetamol can be administered to help with pain but avoid nurofen (ibuprofen) as it can increase bruising.

Bio-Remodelling Injections: Before and After


How many sessions will I need?
You will need to undergo a minimum of 2 sessions and a maximum of 3. This is up to the discretion of the cosmetic injector and your own goals.

When can I expect to see results?
Results will vary between clients, but you can usually start noticing some skin changes within 4 weeks of your first treatment. Over the next 12 weeks, you will continue to see changes within your skin. We also encourage investing in a good skincare regime to complement and prolong your results.

Is there any downtime?
None! You will experience mosquito bite lumps at the injection sites which will subside within 20-60 minutes of your appointment.

Does it hurt?
The injections are very quick but the product does not contain any local anaesthetic so it can be a little bit more of a pinch. Numbing cream will be available but is not a necessity for treatment.

OTHER Services

Complimentary Consultation

Collagen Stimulation Treatment

Dermal Fillers and Lip Fillers

Anti-Wrinkle Injections