Collagen Stimulation Treatment

Tap into the power of your body's healing properties. These treatments stimulate new collagen production, leading to improved and revitalized skin.

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Collagen Stimulation is a treatment widely known as the “vampire facial” and has gained popularity due to its natural approach to rejuvenation. Once a favourite among celebrities and A-listers, this high-end solution is now yours to experience. 

The treatment works to regenerate the skin, improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and overall skin texture. Each syringe contains fundamental growth factors released by activated platelets, stimulating new collagen production and accelerating tissue regeneration across the face and neck. This treatment requires multiple sessions over a number of weeks to achieve your final results.

Suitable for many indications such as:

  • Dark circles and/or fluid pockets (festoons) around the eyes to achieve overall texture and tone improvement
  • Re-energising tired and dry skin
  • Pigmentation improvement

Please note that the number of blood vials taken depends on the areas marked for treatment. One vial will only be suitable for part of the face if this is to be used along with microneedling.

Treatment Aftercare

After treatment, clients usually experience some bruising, redness, swelling and tenderness. These side effects will lessen over 2-4 days and can be covered with makeup.

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine or spicy food for 24 hours post-treatment as these can exacerbate bruising.
  • Avoid blood thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, multivitamins, and fish oil, where possible, for 48 hours. Please consult your GP before ceasing any medications.
  • Avoid exercise for 24 hours.
  • Avoid exposing treated areas to excess heat through hot showers or saunas for 24 hours.
  • Apply ice to the area to assist with swelling and bruising.
  • Paracetamol can be taken post-treatment to help manage the discomfort.


How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments depends on various factors, including the area of treatment and method of administration (such as injection or microneedling). We recommend 2-4 sessions at 4-week intervals to achieve your goals with injections.

Does it hurt?
A few more needles are involved in this process, so it can be slightly uncomfortable. We do apply numbing cream to sensitive areas, such as under the eyes, to assist with your comfort throughout the procedure.

Is there any downtime?
Due to the number of needles used for the procedure, there is a higher chance of bruising and swelling occurring and therefore there may be some downtime. This should not last for more than 24-48 hours.

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